سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

A timeline is simply a visual representation of a number of even

This way no single person becomes overwhelmed during the launch process.The timeline will help keep you on track and should be used in conjunction with your marketing research and planning efforts.

If you have a group working together to make the launch a possibility you will want to establish a great system to assign different phases of the launch to different teams. Chances are that you are not working alone, but if you are, youre probably overwhelmed with your mental to-do list.

If there are any new items added to the timeline, the entire team needs to be made aware because it could affect any member. How are you going to do that? You are going to use a product launch timeline. The timeline you will use to launch your product will be very useful in the sense that it will prevent you from getting your cart before your horse and just like a good marketing plan, it will force you to face many obstacles that you would have otherwise stumbled upon at the very last minute.

A timeline is simply a visual representation of a number of events and their chronological occurrence. Simply put, it tells you what happened, or is going to happen, and when. This is where the timeline comes in and saves the day and the launch.You are about to put your new product on the market and you want to make the biggest splash possible in the market. You should continue to spread out new pieces of the project so that you dont overwork your team.Once you have established who is doing what, it will be each teams responsibility to keep track of their part of the project.


Some of the items you would list in your timeline would include site design times, site launch date, different campaigns, dates to order product from the manufacturer, and contact information for each member of the team